A world united in compassion, where vulnerabilities
transform into strengths and every individual enjoys a life
of dignity, security, equity and opportunity!
Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization Greece (ASAM Greece) is a non-governmental organization that operates in Greece with the aim to provide comprehensive support to vulnerable populations, including refugees, migrants, women, children, youth, persons with disabilities and the elderly.
As Türkiye’s largest non-governmental organization, we are offering assistance without any discrimination based on language, religion, gender, race, or political opinion with over two thousand staff members in 52 offices across 27 provinces.
We strive to contribute to a life where all those in need can access fundamental rights and services, have their protection needs met in a manner compatible with human dignity, and have access to opportunities of health, education and means of livelihood.
ASAM is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to vulnerable populations worldwide. Through our four pillars of Migration, Sustainable Development, Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups & Protection, and Humanitarian Aid & Disaster Response, we are committed to addressing and tackling the multifaceted challenges faced by individuals and communities.
ASAM’s extensive experience and expertise in working with vulnerable communities in Türkiye have laid a solid foundation for its operations in Greece.
Drawing on ASAM’s established methodologies, ASAM Greece strives to empower individuals, promote inclusion and foster resilience within local communities. ASAM Greece works collaboratively with local stakeholders, governmental bodies and international partners to ensure that those most in need have access to essential services and it aligns its goals with ASAM’s broader vision of transforming vulnerabilities into strengths and fostering dignity and opportunity for all.
Provision of in-person and group PSS activities to create safe spaces for vulnerable populations such as refugees, migrants, women, children, youth, persons with disabilities and elderly to enhance their emotional resilience and social integration.
By recognizing the importance of empowering and building resilience among vulnerable communities, strengthening communities to identify and address their protection concerns and increasing their resilience through community leadership, disaster preparedness, safety mapping and referral mechanisms.
By recognizing the importance of education and skills training in empowering migrants to rebuild their lives, provision of language courses, vocational training and educational support to enhance their employability and integration prospects.
Working closely with local communities to promote understanding, acceptance and integration of migrants and other marginalized communities. Fostering positive relationships and reducing social tensions through cultural exchange programs, community events and awareness campaigns.
Leveraging ASAM’s extensive knowledge and experience, acquired through direct work with asylum seekers and stakeholders in the field, conducting capacity building activities with other CSOs working with vulnerable populations on important themes such as Crowd Management in Emergency Response, Staff-Care Trauma-related work, Gender Sensitive and Inclusive Service Provision, as well as support for SOP development.
Engaging with policymakers, government agencies and other stakeholders to advocate for vulnerable population’s rights and influence policies that support their integration. ASAM Greece collaborates with international organizations and participate in relevant forums to amplify our impact as well as conduct research and produce reports to inform evidence-based policy recommendations.
ASAM Academy on Migration is where theoretical information in the field of migration meets practice. ASAM’s know-how spanning over a quarter century is being shared with master’s and doctoral students to whom we awarded scholarships in our Academy.
Aiming to present important developments and announcements regarding the country and the world agenda as well as all kinds of information that may be necessary to asylum seekers and refugees in their mother tongues, Migrant TV makes broadcasts in seven languages, namely Turkish, English, Arabic, Farsi, French, and Somali and Ukrainian.
It is of utmost importance that children learn about children’s rights as well as body safety rules at an early age. Children’s bodies are their own and are private.
It refers to cases where one or more children intentionally and continuously give a hard time to children whom they consider to be weaker and more vulnerable. Being rude to or hurting someone intentionally amounts to bullying.
Trauma is an experience that develops suddenly and unexpectedly in people’s lives, where people realize that they cannot cope with this new experience and feel intense grief, stress, horror and fear, which threatens the safety of themselves.
Mental health problems affect our life much more than we are aware. If you too would like to benefit from mental health services, you could request support from the ASAM office.